"They" want to choose a patron saint for the internet - here are the contenders -
Saint Gabriel, the Archangel: He was the bearer of God's secret messages to His chosen ones. The Gospel According to Saint Luke credits Gabriel with telling Mary she would give birth to Jesus. As God's messenger, he is already the patron saint of communications and postal workers.
Saint Isadore of Seville: Undoubtedly the most learned man of his age, Saint Isadore lived in the 7th century and is credited with having written the world's first encyclopedia, called the Etymologies. The 20 volumes included entries for medicine, mathematics, history, theology, and many others.
Saint Clare of Assisi: She founded the Order of Poor Ladies (Poor Clares) at San Damiano and led it for 40 years. When her convent was about to be attacked, she displayed the Sacrament in a monstrace at the convent gates, and prayed before it; the attackers left. Toward the end of her life, she was too ill to attend Mass, but she is believed to have seen visions of the Mass on the wall of her cell. Because of this Saint Clare of Assisi is the patron saint of television.
Saint John Bosco: This 19th century Italian priest founded the Salesian order and spent his priesthood working with children and promoting their education. He is already the patron saint of apprentices, boys, editors, Mexican young people, laborers, schoolchildren, students, and young people.
Saint Maximilian Kolbe: This 20th century Polish priest and missionary favored using technology to spread the Gospel. To that end, he started a magazine and a radio station and planned to build a film studio. He died in the Auschwitz concentration camp. He is the patron saint for drug addiction, drug addicts, families, imprisoned people, journalists, political prisoners, prisoners, and the pro-life movement.
Saint Alphonsus Liguori: A bishop and prodigious letter writer and author in the 18th century, he published the best known prayers for the Way of the Cross.
Giacomo Alberione: This priest founded the Society of St. Paul, which communicates the Christian message using all means of technology, including journalism, cinematography, television, radio, audiovisual, multimedia, and animation. One major drawback: He has not yet been named a saint by the Vatican.
Here's the site to vote sante beati Only one thing, it's in Italian. You can try Babelfish for a translation.