Wednesday, June 25, 2003

My co-worker just found A young Vin Diesel break dancing!

Friday, June 06, 2003

Mickey's Musings is Moving!

Thanks to Ithy I'm packing up and moving over to Moveable Type and my very own blog home :) at
Mickey's Musings
I'm still unpacking the boxes and putting the pictures up....I hope anyway, 'cause I could never figure pictures out looks very purr-ty right now, Ithy did a great job, but she has lots of practice with her blogs at - A Gaggle of Girls and One Guy and Girls! Girls! Girls! Please be sure and visit them and wish Ithy and Nin her little "sis", a fabu vaca! Have fun girls and remember - pictures! *G*

And everyone please come and say "hey!" over on the new site!

Thursday, June 05, 2003

It's Thursday, isn't it?

*Couldn't get Blogger to work last night at surprise there I guess

*It's another misty, overcast, rainy day here in the Northeast. I don't know how people in the Seattle area do it. The overcast rainy part doesn't really bother me so much, it's the fact that instead of things looking clean, they look soggy and dirty

* Spike Lee thinks they named Spike TV, Spike TV because of him....I can't imagine being that vain. And here I was hoping it was all James Marsters aka Spike, all the time....

* Bought my son another birthday gift yesterday, couldn't get it for his birthday in May, because it didn't come out until June 3rd. The Animatrix It's good, I didn't get to watch it all, because I had to go to work, but it was good.

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

Tuesday This or That

Yes, yes, I know it's Wednesday, but I haven't been able to figure out what day it is all week....*G*

1. Cats or dogs?

Oh geez....l was juat about to say that there was no way to decide in this house when one of the dogs just decided that she didn't want one of the cats to eat any dog food and used him as a rag doll.....and she isn't even the one that's food aggressive. She was shocked when I yelled at her, didn't even realize what she was doing was wrong.

2. Butterflies or birds?

Birds, we love feeding the birds in our yard, they are beautiful creatures. Butterflies are too, but I guess they are just such free spirits. The birds return every day, they share our home with us

3. Horses or cows?
Cows, I can't resist saying "moo" when I pass a cow, which only makes the Farside comic of cows commenting on humans even funnier....

4. Turtles or snakes?

Touch first thought was snales, but I'm gonna go with turtles

5. Frogs or grasshoppers?


6. Lions or tigers?


7. Elephants or mice?


8. Porcupines or aardvarks?


9. Unicorns or dragons?


10. Thought-provoking question of the week: You live in a rather dumpy apartment. A friend offers you a chance to be a roommate at a new place s/he is moving into, but they don't allow pets. You have a pet. Do you find your pet a new home and take the new place, or do you keep your pet and stay put?

Keep the dump that is home with my pet, 'cause the other place won't be home w/o them